Broom Shop
Best of Luck
from PAS
Special Events
Broom Lore
Brushmakers Society Arms
England Circa  1839

Click on the arms above for a look at  the Society of  Brushmakers' Descendants in the United Kingdom

This page was last updated on: December 16, 2009
As an Apprentis.......
you will searve until you come to the age of twenty one years. You will be available night and day. You will not tell my secrets or loan my tools to another. You will not haunt taverns and ale houses; fornicate; play cards or dice; contract matrimony or damage the goods of the Master or of others. As a good and faithfull Apprentis I will teach and instruct you in the art of broom making and shall and  will also learn or cause you to be learned or taught to reade English and write and cypher so far as to keepe a booke. I will also provide meate and drink, washing and lodging and when term is expired to sett you free............."

Taken from several Indentures from the 18th and early 19th Century  
Seems like this would make a good parent/child contract............